Monday, December 8, 2008

Quick Survey - Dec 8, 2008

I just added up my miles for the year and I have, according to my not-so-precise calculations, 3859 so far for the year. So, to get to 4000 I'll need to average just over 10 miles a day for the next three weeks. What do you think? Is 4K worth it? The last time I ran 4K in a calendar year was 2004. I'd be curious what the readers of this blog think.



Damon said...

There was a time when I would have definitely gone for it. I remember one year being obsessed through Christmas week to make sure I got the extra miles so I'd average 50 mpw for the entire year.

I'm a few years older than you (46), and these days, I'm a lot less obsessed about numbers and more focused on staying healthy enough to get to the starting line of my next big race.

So, if you're healthy and you want to do it, go for it. If you're less than 100% or you need a break before really ramping up for WS, this might be the time for the break. I'm taking a break like that right now and I'll start ramping up next month.

TonyP said...

Wow, that is a ton of miles. As long as you don't risk any injury, go for 40K !

Happy holidays.

Damon said...

P.S. - I'm a mid-pack runner, who finished VT in 26:04 two years ago when you won it for the first time. So, I'm coming at this from a different perspective than you are.

Bryon Powell said...

Numbers are numbers. The only reason to go for 4k would be if it would give you mental strength somewhere between Squaw Valley and Auburn next June.... otherwise it's just junk. That's assuming that your optimal W$ training wouldn't have you run that 10 miles/day through the end of the year... otherwise, why would you be asking, right?

Craig Thornley said...

Do it. When I used to train with a certain Olympian who now lives in your state, several times she told me not to go out and run the extra mile or two when I had 98 miles on Sunday. "Don't run for the log." I now have several of those weeks in my old logs and it sucks. I would much rather look back and see 100 than 98. 4000 is a big number.

Sure, she went to the Olympics and I didn't but that's a minor point.

Grae Van Hooser said...

I agree more with Damon, cuz I'm really old (48). On the other hand, if your feeling rested, go for the easy 10 miles every day. Who knows what the weather will be like in a couple of weeks and hitting 4k for the year will build your confidence, satisfy the addiction and you can tell yourself, your family,LB, and your neighbor's what a bad ass you are!

Dave said...

Are you F'ing kidding me! That is a ton of miles already, why do you need to get to 4k? I agree with Goat, if you need them, do them, if not, you have plenty of bragging rights with "almost 4k"... I can't even fathom "almost 4k". I guess that's why I'm reading your blog and not writing my own. :) Nice work! an inspiration indeed.

Theresa said...

My vote is no- numbers are just numbers, and stick with whatever plan you have going to make Western States successful.
If you had any setbacks because of it, you would be kicking yourself for a long time.

Hank Dart said...

If you think those 4,000 miles in 2004 set the stage for your 2005 WS finish, I say go for it, but not all at tempo no matter how good you feel. See ya on the trails. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

What the hell just do it!! 4,001!!

Michael Valliant said...


Don't know you, but have enjoyed watching you compete, enjoy trail and ultra running, and reading your blog.

If you've already got the notch on your belt, it seems less appealing, but I suppose it really comes down to what you want out of 2008?

Keep up all the good stuff and happy holidays.

Mike V.

Bryon Powell said...

Having read all the comments, I think there's an easy way for you to make this decision. Which number is more meaningful to you: 4000 or 17:17?

crowther said...

Like Dave, I agree with Trail Goat.

I'm about to set a mileage PR for the year -- about 3300+ miles, in my case -- and it doesn't mean a darn thing. Two of my three big ultras this year were disasters, and the "mileage PR" provides no consolation whatsoever.

AJW said...

I think I'll go for the 4000. If for no other reason than to have comparable mileage to 2004. And, with Jurek back at the Big Dance, I could use all the help I can get.

And Goat, 17:17 is way more important than 4000!

Olga said...

I am late, but I'd say go for it:) I use this as a mental edge when don't want to get out. Even as I am trying to recover, and my miles for the last 3 months sucked so much it screwed up total, I am still putting a goal of some round number - just to get out on dark cold mornings. But if you don't reach it - don't beat yourself up. You tried.

Grae Van Hooser said...

Ya, I just noticed that Jurek is in. It's amazing, the line up for this year. Is there any "name" runner not running? If the conditions are fairly normal it's either going to pull everyone along at a faster pace or there is going to be large gaps. I'd better pick up my pace or I might miss the awards ceremony as they might have to move it to Saturday night!

Anonymous said...

From up here (great white north), you have already crossed the 6000km mark, so no need to push any more!
(sorry, couldn't resist)
btw, what is thie 100 miler you guys keep talking about, i only know about 160km....

i think the cold is getting to me.

Lewis Taylor said...

I say go for the four grand, Jizzle Wizzle.

Geoff said...

as long as that's not too much more than you'd plan to run in this time anyway then you may as well go for it. just the fact that you brought it up means that it would mean something to you. on the other hand if that's a lot more than you were otherwise planning to do in the next few weeks it seems a little silly.

Western States is going to be crazy. i was looking through the roster and it's hard to comprehend the talent that's planning to be there. kind of ironic that none of the top 5 from the NF50 last week are currently in western though. those 5 and meltzer might just be the top 6 guys not currently in western. western wasn't going to be in my plans for next summer but i really doubt i can not at least attemp to get in to any race that isn't going to be so loaded with great runners. by my count there are at least 20 guys on the roster who are damn fast!!

Anonymous said...

What's "western"?

AJW said...


Great comment and great run in SF. Congrats. And, you're right, WS should be a great race. I'll be curious to see how everybody makes it through their training. With so much focus and intensity surrounding the race there may be a few more injuries than usual. It's gonna be a great season.


Anonymous said...

Here's the solution: give yourself until Chinese New Year's. That way you have about 25 extra days to cover those miles.

It's straight out of a politician's playbook. If the field isn't favorable, just move the goal posts.

Nice work on the blog, AJ. I've been a fly on the wall this past year (tough to stay engaged when you're rebounding from a heinous injury).

See ya out there in 09.

- Garett