Monday, May 30, 2011
Great Ultrarunning Article!
It is written by my good friend and pacer Andy Roth and features photographs from the always iconoclastic Larry Gassan.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
The Knife
Day 1 - Robie Point to the River and Back. Graham Cooper and Todd Braje met me at Robie Point and we ran relaxed back to ALT taking the Shortcut Trail and the Quarry Road in the process. We took the kick in the teeth that Ball Bearing had to offer and then met our all-star crew of Meghan, Laurie, Craig, Dan and Jeff at ALT. Dan joined us for the run to and from the River an Graham bailed complaining about some such nonsense as having run a triathlon the previous day. I guess if you are unemployed with a Cougar on your mantel at home you can do that.
Anyway, after the River we got a bit more assertive and ran to Green Gate in 24. It felt good and steady so Dan and I rolled into a 46 getting back to ALT. It was here that Dan and I realized we had lost Todd. He was found wandering along Quarry Rd a bit later but it took some of Craig's search and rescue expertise to get it done. The facts are still a bit fuzzy but the general consensus is that he made the turn down Dead Truck Trail and ended up dizzy down by the River after an hour of out-and-backs. Needless to say, this is not something I'd recommend on race day.
After ALT I was on my own and tried to keep the governor on with a 43 to Brown's, a 39 to 49, a 32 to No Hands (the descents were feeling good!) and a 37 back to the Track. Jeff met me there and we sat in the sun and told stories about the good old days but stories we both knew by heart. You know the ones, the stories where you get a top-10 after being injured for all of April or the time you finished second to Jurek:) Needless to say, we were soaking it in.
Then, it was off to the cabin in Michigan Bluff for about 3500 calories in many assorted forms.
Day 2 - Cal Street Time Trial. OK, I admit it, this was something I had wanted to do for a while so I told the group we were doing it and they played along. The plan for the day was simple, run as fast as we could from Foresthill to the River and then drag ourselves back to the cars at the top of Driver's Flat. But, in the interest of friendly competition, I thought it would be fun to do an interval start based on seed times that I created. You know, slowest goes first and fastest goes last and we'll see what unfolds. The idea behind it was that on race day we often see people passing us and we pass people and in many ways Cal Street is a lonely, solitary brush with death so at least practicing would make it easy to stomach on race day. Anyway, here's how it turned out after all the complaining, ruminating and general issues:
Dan Olmstead 1:51
Andy Jones-Wilkins 1:57
Jeff Riley 1:59
Craig Thornley 1:59
Todd Braje 1:59 (could have run faster but was attached to a leash so he wouldn't get lost)
Meghan Arbogast 2:02
Graham Cooper 2:12 (another classic sandbag job)
Day 3 -- Michigan Bluff to Last Chance and Back (solo). This one was more of a mental trainer than anything. With 64 miles in two days on my legs but not a lot of vertical yet I wanted this to be a good old-fashioned quad pounder. While I got out to Last Chance in a pedestrian 2:44 I decided to test the pegs on the descents on the return and stumbled to a 24 descent to Swinging Bridge, a 34 ascent up the Thumb (a full 10 minutes slower than Graham would run the next day), a snappy 41 descent to El Dorado and a confidence building 37 back to the house. All in all, a bit over five hours of running with some healthy vertical. Not like it was hot or anything but at least I was getting the legs seasoned up for the upcoming Thursday sufferfest. And, delicious hot food awaited me in the cabin.
Day 4 - Foresthill to the Swinging Bridge and Back to Cal 2. Graham joined me for this one but we didn't actually run much together as we basically played tag all day with him leading the ups and me returning the favor on the downs. But, the really fun thing was, several others joined us for parts of the run. Craig and Dan did Michigan Bluff to Swinging Bridge and back with us and then Meghan joined us for the run to Cal 2. All in all it was a great day on really tired legs that made us both think (perhaps wistfully) maybe we still have it?
And, if you're still reading this seemingly endless post with no pictures or videos or cool clickable ads on the side you may actually care about the splits, so here they are (for the return):
Bridge to Devil's Thumb -- 32 (Graham 24)
Devil's Thumb to El Dorado Creek -- 36 (Graham 41)
El Dorado Creek to Michigan Bluff - 37 (Graham 30)
Volcano - 56 (I managed to stay ahead of Graham until halfway up Bath Rd when he passed me. Then, I slowly reeled him in before we got to the school together. Only time that happened all day)
Foresthill to Cal 2 -- 65 (Graham 75)
Man, what a day, what a week, what a year!
So, where does this put me with 27 days left?
Not sure. I know I am reasonably fit based on how things have gone over the past month as compared to past years but all the intrigue about which course we're going to do, how much snow will there be, how will we all do with no real heat to train in, blah, blah... is providing more than the usual distraction.
Plus, I am a year older.
All that said, I think it will be another great year at Western States and I hope to be in that top-10 mix once again. It may take sub-17 to do that this year but if it does I hope to be there. If there's one thing I know after the last four days it is that I am seasoned and ready. Now, it's just all about gently, inexorably, sharpening the knife.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Best week of the year!
Tuesday - Cal Street Time Trial
Wednesday - El Dorado (am)/Volcano (pm)
Thursday - Ice Cream Sandwich
Friday - Volcano, El Dorado, Deadwood...and back
I know what you're thinking, Geoff, Anton, Killian, Hal, Nick and Dave are quaking in their boots:)
Stay tuned...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
WS Top-10 -- 2004-2010
Below are the top-10 men’s finishing places and times for the Western States 100 over the past six years (actually, seven but 2008 was cancelled). It is interesting to note that there have been 41 different men in the top-10 over that six-year period.
Of those…
28 placed in the top-10 once
8 placed in the top-10 twice
3 placed in the top-10 three times
1 placed in the top-10 four times
1 placed in the top-10 six times
1 Scott Jurek 15:36:27
2 Dave Mackey 16:30:17
3 Hal Koerner 17:17:16
4 Erik Skaden 17:39:37
5 Joe Kulak 17:43:12
6 Nicholas Bingham 17:59:59
7 Dean Karnazes 18:09:41
8 Andy Jones-Wilkins 18:26:48
9 David Terry 18:41:37
10 Craig Thornley 18:46:26
1 Scott Jurek 16:40:45
2 Andy Jones-Wilkins 17:07:13
3 Joe Kulak 17:16:12
4 Guillermo Medina 17:56:26
5 James Kerby 18:01:33
6 John Ticer 18:03:17
7 Dean Karnazes 18:14:17
8 Tom Nielsen 18:18:00
9 Jim Huffman 18:22:41
10 Craig Thornley 18:25:41
1 Graham Cooper 18:17:28
2 Erik Skaden 19:08:39
3 Tom Nielsen 19:41:41
4 Jim Huffman 19:59:46
5 James Kerby 20:03:18
6 Andy Jones-Wilkins 20:04:52
7 Jon Olsen 20:07:08
8 Ian Torrence 20:17:39
9 Tim Twietmeyer 20:33:25
10 Glen Redpath 21:03:16
1 Hal Koerner 16:12:16
2 Erik Skaden 16:36:49
3 Graham Cooper 17:11:41
4 Andy Jones-Wilkins 17:20:29
5 Phil Kochik 17:26:59
6 Glen Redpath 18:05:32
7 Tracy Moore 18:09:05
8 Hiroki Ishikawa 18:14:16
9 Jeff Riley 18:22:12
10 Jae-Duk Sim 18:44:54
1 Hal Koerner 16:24:55
2 Tsuyoshi Kaburaki 16:52:06
3 Jez Bragg 16:54:35
4 Jasper Halekas 16:56:25
5 Kevin Sullivan 16:59:36
6 Zachariah Miller 17:34:12
7 Leigh Schmitt 17:49:38
8 Erik Skaden 18:22:44
9 Mark Lantz 18:45:55
10 Andy Jones-Wilkins 18:46:51
1. Geoff Roes 15:06
2. Anton Krupicka 15:12
3. Kilian Jornet 16:03
4. Nick Clark 16:05
5. Zachariah Miller 16:55
6. Gary Robbins 17:06
7. Glen Redpath 17:10
8. Ian Sharman 17:26
9. Andy Jones-Wilkins 17:31
10. Dan Barger 17:31
Can you predict this year's top-10?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Western States!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Big Weekend!
The Big Dance!
Obviously, there is lots going on out there. A few races, some groups down at the Big Ditch, a handful of guys licking their quads from Miwok, and at least three others running through the Rockies, the Pyrenees, and whatever those mountains are called that thrust straight up from the ocean in Juneau...and a bunch of other stuff.
I am doing 25 miles and 7500 feet tomorrow and then 32 and 9000 feet on Sunday.
What are you doing this weekend?
Saturday, May 7, 2011
The Shadow of History

As I adapt to my new hometown (where we are moving post-WS) I am enjoying getting to know the local running scene. Today I ran the Montalto 5K Challenge. It's a 5k run that climbs 1000 feet to a stunning viewpoint high above Jefferson's Monticello, "The House" as they call it around here:)
I got up in 22:27. Good enough for 4th place. More tomorrow after I have my initiation into the Appalachians.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Best Eight Weeks of the Year
Over the past three days I have spent quite a bit of time running the Vorberg. On Friday I did two clockwise loops in about 2:20. On Saturday I was back again for three counterclockwise loops in 3:41. And today, Sunday, I completed another three clockwise loops in 3:32 (clockwise is generally believed to be faster as you get the "wall" of the Carbonate Face on the ascent and the long gradual descent through Vorberg for the descent).
The reason I bore you with these details is not because there is anything particularly noteworthy about these three days of training (64 miles and 12,000 feet of vertical in three days is quite typical for many Western States veterans) but rather to point out the beauty of this time of year for the Western States athlete. As spring emerges and the race day nears (54 days from tomorrow, in fact) the excitement becomes palpable. Combine that with the pure joy of spending time on the trails and this is, quite simply, the best time of the year.