Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sun Valley Snowshoe Challenge

Well, I tried something new today and ran the 3.3 Mile Sun Valley Snowshoe Challenge. This new event, part of the Sun Valley Nordic Festival, was directed by my friend and training partner Brad Mitchell. In the midst of a week in which we are surrounded by members of the Norwegian Cross Country Ski Team and 100's of skiers here for the Boulder Mountain Tour it was great to get out and run in their terrain. And, I took home a $75 gift certificate for the effort.

My buddy Hank took this picture.


Brad Mitchell said...

Look at that form! Thanks for fitting this into your school schedule! It was fun, next year will be better.

Craig Thornley said...

Good thing there isn't anybody to your side or they'd get knocked out with your wildly swinging arms. Brad, you need to work on that form with Jiz.

Hank Dart said...

Even from a half mile away, we could see that whip-saw arm on the final descent...

brownie said...

I retired from snowshoeing after last years Leadville debacle. My first and last time ever wearing showshoes. Now when it gets cold I just stay inside and watch TV.

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

That's a full body workout! But fun just the same.

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

That's a full body workout! But fun just the same.

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

That's a full body workout! But fun just the same.

saschasdad said...

So why wasn't this added to your sidebar on the right under 2010 race schedule? And what's up with everyone dissing your form, I mean come on, AJW doesn't look any worse in that picture than normal.

Anonymous said...

Slow shoes?!
You need to get some Dynafit's and do some ski mountaineering races- that's what the WS record holder to be is doing right now.

Anonymous said...
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