Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Importance of Running

I have just come through the most difficult three-week stretch ever in my professional life. Among other things I had to make some extremely difficult personnel decision for my school and have been living with the fact that I have disappointed many people. These decisions are in the ultimate best interest of the school but being a "pleaser" has made it quite difficult. The end result is that I have probably had not more than 4 hours of sleep a night in three weeks.

My tonic through this stretch has been running. Sure, I am not training for anything right now and that's probably a good thing. But logging the daily miles in the cold and snow has helped me stay centered and given me the confidence to face my job every day. I am not sure I would have the same ability if I did not have running as such an important part of my life. Here's to the part of running that saves our lives!


Bedrock said...


It always amazes me how good a "tonic" running really is. I too have had some tough things professionally this year and hitting the trails, roads or even the treadmill for some miles does wonders for the mind and soul. I feel so fortunate to have running as an outlet when life throws me a hanging curve ball. Good luck with everything and I look forward to observing a successful 2008 from you. Enjoy the holidays.


Rod Bien said...

Sorry for the rough spot the last couple of weeks. I hope you get a chance to relax during the break and have some good times with the family.
And running is the best stress relief, well, sex isn't bad either....

TonyP said...

Andy -

There are always bumps in the just run over them. Hang in there and enjoy the holidays. Best wishes to you and the family. Hope to see you again at GTR next year.

Anthony (Tony)

Jasper Halekas said...


Thank goodness for running. I rely on it to carry me through tough patches, probably to a fault. It's when the tough patch is a running injury, and I can't run at all, that I really get in trouble...

Hope you get to leave work for a bit and enjoy the holidays.


Justin Angle said...

have a great winter break, andy. it sounds like you have very much earned it. may the tough decisions of 2007 lead to a prosperous 2008!

sherpajohn said...

Ah yes.... School Politics... I was there for a year.

Just do what you do best AJW(40)... Run through them!

Scott Dunlap said...

Perhaps it is the daily ritual of dodging trail obstacles and climbing mountains that gives you the fortitude to lead when times demand leadership. Keep moving forward!

Happy holidays, sd

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you've had a rough patch to go through lately, Andy, but I'm so glad that you have running to help you deal with the situation. We're all so fortunate to have running to help us cope.

I hope that you and your family can really relax and enjoy over the holidays. Congrats on a great 2007, and looking forward to seeing you all a bunch in 2008.

Sarah (PCTR)

Sophie Speidel said...

Hey Andy,

I just read this post and had to respond as I am a school counselor at an independent school in VA and WE just had a rough patch between Thanksgiving and Christmas break as well---so I *think* I know where you are coming from! We have a new Head of School and are in the process of searching for a new US Head as well, so lots of changes taking place (all good---I love our new Head).

Glad to know we have running in the woods to keep us balanced.

Happy New Year, and all the best for a smooth school year!